

mp3list @5 songs
[Title => Why]

Item ID Artist Title Track Album Year Time Size Disc
1 6693 張國榮 WHY? 09 LESLIE FINAL ENCOUNTER 1989 04:06:00 3943530 030408_1725
2 6838 張國榮 Why 12 Ultimate Disk 2 1992 04:08:00 5970461 030409_0940
3 7214 no artist That's Why (You Go Away) 02 Forever Love 17 1998 04:12:00 4034688 030411_1617
4 7278 The Power Of LOVE That`s Why(You Go Away) (電視劇壹號皇庭插曲) 02 The Power Of LOVE 2002 04:16:00 6150929 030411_1617
5 7268 Various Artists That`swhy (You Go Away) 11 The Power Of LOVE 2 2003 04:16:00 6150272 030411_1617