

mp3list @4 songs
[Title => Lemon tree]

Item ID Artist Title Track Album Year Time Size Disc
1 3920 區瑞強 Lemon Tree 13 Simple Folk II 2000 03:14:00 3106816 030224_1521
2 7217 no artist Lemon Tree 05 Forever Love 17 1998 03:13:00 3090560 030411_1617
3 7540 The MusicLab Lemon tree 09 Try to remember-民歌處處 2006 02:24:00 2308096 030414_1214
4 7547 The MusicLab Lemon tree (alternate version) 16 Try to remember-民歌處處 2006 02:27:00 2361344 030414_1214