

mp3list @16 songs
[Album => best of millennium]

Item ID Artist Title Track Album Year Time Size Disc
1 191 Beyond 喜歡你 1 best of millennium 2000 04:53:00 4696064 Beyond
2 179 Beyond 冷夜雨 2 best of millennium 2000 04:59:00 4792320 Beyond
3 180 Beyond 原諒我今天 3 best of millennium 2000 04:49:00 4638720 Beyond
4 181 Beyond 是錯也再不分 4 best of millennium 2000 04:24:00 4237312 Beyond
5 182 Beyond 誰伴我闖蕩 5 best of millennium 2000 04:12:00 4036608 Beyond
6 183 Beyond 愿我能 6 best of millennium 2000 04:19:00 4147200 Beyond
7 184 Beyond 曾是擁有 7 best of millennium 2000 04:29:00 4308992 Beyond
8 185 Beyond 未曾后悔 8 best of millennium 2000 03:27:00 3323904 Beyond
9 186 Beyond 無淚的遺憾 9 best of millennium 2000 05:20:00 5126144 Beyond
10 187 Beyond 懷念你 10 best of millennium 2000 04:06:00 3950592 Beyond
11 188 Beyond 灰色軌跡 11 best of millennium 2000 05:24:00 5189632 Beyond
12 189 Beyond 報答一生 12 best of millennium 2000 03:54:00 3747840 Beyond
13 190 Beyond 真的愛你 13 best of millennium 2000 04:35:00 4409344 Beyond
14 178 Beyond 再見理想 14 best of millennium 2000 00:00:00 2176 Beyond
15 192 Beyond 光輝歲月 15 best of millennium 2000 04:58:00 4777984 Beyond
16 193 Beyond AMANI 16 best of millennium 2000 04:45:00 4569257 Beyond