

mp3list @11 songs
[Album => The Best of Leslie Cheung]

Item ID Artist Title Track Album Year Time Size Disc
1 6904 張國榮 My God (國) 02 The Best of Leslie Cheung 1999 04:08:00 5955584 030409_0940
2 6905 張國榮 03 The Best of Leslie Cheung 1999 05:24:00 7790592 030409_0940
3 6906 張國榮 夜半歌聲 (電影版) (國) 05 The Best of Leslie Cheung 1999 02:12:00 3190784 030409_0940
4 6907 張國榮 偷情 07 The Best of Leslie Cheung 1999 04:57:00 7139328 030409_0940
5 6908 張國榮 談情說愛 09 The Best of Leslie Cheung 1999 03:55:00 5664768 030409_0940
6 6909 張國榮 這些年來 10 The Best of Leslie Cheung 1999 05:02:00 7267180 030409_0940
7 6910 張國榮 永遠記得 11 The Best of Leslie Cheung 1999 04:02:00 5812224 030409_0940
8 6911 張國榮 談戀愛 (國) 12 The Best of Leslie Cheung 1999 03:41:00 5316608 030409_0940
9 6912 張國榮 Twist & Shout (英) 13 The Best of Leslie Cheung 1999 02:40:00 3852288 030409_0940
10 6913 張國榮 紅顏白髮 15 The Best of Leslie Cheung 1999 03:25:00 4927488 030409_0940
11 6914 張國榮 Love Like Magic (國) 17 The Best of Leslie Cheung 1999 04:19:00 6225920 030409_0940